Black and bruised game
Black and bruised game


Our hope is that if Digital Fiction keeps the punches you can throw limited, that it will deliver enough different character fighting styles to keep each fight unique.


Fans of the classic Nintendo series have grown up, and will probably look for a more complex moves list. It's possible that the developers are worried complex boxing mechanics, featuring an assortment of jabs, hooks, and uppercuts, wouldn't "fit with the demographic," but this could also end up limiting its target audience. It's very simple in design, which is pretty disappointing given the potential of the title. The combos, by the way, must be earned as you progress through your chosen character's storyline.

black and bruised game

Lastly, you have the ability to perform elaborately animated combos, different for each character, by pressing multiple buttons at once, ranging from A-B to A-Y to A-X. So you're basically just pressing A or B to punch left or right, and then by holding down the R-trigger you can crouch down for body shots, still using the A and B buttons for left and right. You have a left and right high shot and a left and right low shot. Compared to other boxing titles out there, they are pretty simple in this early revision. Beyond that, I'd like to talk about the main fighting mechanics, which basically stand as the core to the gameplay. We got a look at some of them in action, but representatives commented that there was still plenty of work to do in regards to evening out their attributes. Unfortunately in the latest demo, the different boxers were playable, but unbalanced. This is probably Black & Bruised's most interesting feature, as there will be a total of 18 selectable boxers, eight of which are secret characters. While, in another gameplay-influencing storyline twist, you might actually have to throw a fight in order to win the war, so to speak.

black and bruised game

In his next fight, you'll have to protect that weak spot or risk losing the match. For instance, one of the boxer's story leads him into a situation where he gets in a car crash, bruising his ribs. Everything will unfold via seven unique FMVs for each character. The developer's biggest ambitions are to inject a strong, characterized set of storylines into Black & Bruised that are directly tied to the gameplay.

black and bruised game black and bruised game


the computer can get, but they're a laugh now and again.Developer Digital Fiction is showing its full hand with Black & Bruised, and representatives for the company have repeatedly commented that its being styled after titles such as Punch Out, while also bringing its own unique flavor to the mix. The movies that punctuate Boxer's Life mode are pretty funny in and of themselves they aren't exactly worth the price of admission, especially with as frustrating as matches vs. Usually, these fights will have a special provision, like not being able to block, multiple opponents in an endurance match, or having to use only your right arm. As your chosen boxer, you'll progress through six chapters of their story, each one punctuated by a series of fights. 'Boxer's Life' may be the most fun for a one-player game it has the most in common with, say, Guilty Gear XX's Story and Mission Modes. There are plenty of secrets to unlock, there's a moderately cool powerup ability that can even the odds in a match (for every ten hits you land, you earn a randomly-bestowed powerup which you can activate with the Z button), and there are a lot of different modes to play through. That's a shame, too, because Black & Bruised gets just about everything right except the gameplay.

Black and bruised game